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Dr. Angelo Falcone

The Worst Call to Hear

“8-month old cardiac arrest. ETA 10 minutes.” Of all the cases we see, a pediatric SIDS death is without question the most difficult to bear. I recently cared for a child who a few hours earlier was a happy and playful infant and now arrived in cardiac arrest, pale and lifeless. Despite our usual resuscitative […]

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The Challenge and the Opportunity of ONE USACS

When I began my career some 25 years ago, my measure of success was pretty simple: take better care of my patients. The average emergency medicine clinician will treat 75,000 patients over a 25-year career. That’s a staggering number of lives to touch. At some point early in my career, I realized there were different […]

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Four Months After Becoming a Founding Partner in USACS: Where Are We?

On January 1st of this year, MEP Health became a founding partner in US Acute Care Solutions. Four months later, one thing is abundantly clear, if it wasn’t already: if you’re not comfortable with change, you’re probably working in the wrong industry. Some might say you’re living in the wrong century. Our decision to help […]

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What Does Patient Choice Have to Do With Integrated Care?

Recently I was taking care of a gentleman in one of our Emergency Departments named Paul. Paul is 55 with a history of alcohol abuse. He also had some psychiatric problems, and was diagnosed with rectal cancer approximately one year ago. He was placed in one of our psychiatric rooms as he was visibly intoxicated and […]

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The Death of the Independent Physician Practice, or the Birth of the Interdependent Physician Practice?

We hear a lot about the death of the independent physician practice. But perhaps the more important discussion is about the death of practicing medicine independently. That is, the days when individual physician groups could operate their businesses and treat patients independently and without regard to the surrounding network of other physicians, nursing facilities, health […]

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Should Doctors Work for Hospitals? Tough Question.

A physician I have known for many years recently told me about his decision to enter the world of concierge medicine. His reasoning was telling, saying that it came down to a very simple decision on staying independent or becoming a hospital employee. He liked being an independent solo practitioner, and that was his primary […]

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